What happens when a client with a unique vision meets an artist with incredible skills? A 12’ x 8’ x 5’ fire-breathing dragon.
This ambitious dream turned into reality with beer kegs, wine storage containers, stainless steel, and sheet metal – shooting flames 15 feet into the air. It took a year to craft the Dragon, with each of its 4,000 scales fabricated by hand. The functional and beautiful piece also contains glass and stone owned by the customer, creating a dragon that is beautiful by day and luminescent by night.
The piece, which is in the family home in Central Ohio, will be donated to the public one day as well.
Title: Dragon
Description: This dragon will blow an 8′ stream of propane fueled fire from its mouth.
Materials: Stainless Steel
Dimensions: 22′ x 12′ x 10′
Method: Forged and fabricated stainless steel.
Inspiration: A client inspired private commission
Client: Private Collection